Publications by year: 2012

Information Sheet
December 2012

This information sheet presents estimates of vehicle kilometres travelled in Australia from 1990 to 2012 and vehicle fuel intensity estimates for the same time period. These estimates are presented by vehicle type by fuel type by state, and have also been prepared for capital cities.

Information Sheet
December 2012

This publication provides the 2012 update of BITRE's Road Construction and Maintenance Price Index.

Research Report
November 2012

This report presents forecasts of air passenger movements through Australia's eight capital city airports and five largest non-capital city airports (Newcastle, Cairns, Gold Coast, Townsville and Launceston).

Statistical Report
November 2012

This Waterline provides the latest data available on stevedoring productivity and landside performance. Beginning with this issue, a new wharf side indicator is provided for each port. It measures the average number of crane lifts performed per hour spent in berth by a contained ship.

Statistical Report
October 2012

This report presents comprehensive statistics on maritime freight in Australia.

Research Report
October 2012

The Sydney report discusses changes in the geography of population and employment and the impacts on commuting. It also investigates the trends in relation to the relevant strategic planning goals. The analysis focuses on changes between 2001 and 2010 (wherever data is available).

September 2012

In recognition of both the progress of climate science and the need to manage the risks faced by future generations, the majority of the world's governments are implementing programs for the long term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

September 2012

The Australian Low Carbon Transport Forum (ALCTF) was initiated by a project secretariat comprising ARRB Group, BITRE and CSIRO. It was organised to bring together knowledge on the options for greenhouse gas abatement in transport and explore how deeply emissions could be cut in the sector.

Research Report
July 2012

Understanding Australia's Urban Railways provides an overview of the urban passenger and freight railways in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.